
In partnership with our sister organization Suspenders of Disbelief, Innovation Engine has worked with the Warren County, Kentucky, government and other key stakeholders throughout Bowling Green to build BG2050, a model for imagining the future of Kentucky’s fastest-growing city, just north of Nashville. The county is currently projected to grow by more than a City of Bowling Green in population in less than 25 years, leaving those in civic leadership asking, “Will this happen to us, or for us?” Building on civic imagination work designed by Dr. Sangita Shresthova and her colleagues at the University of Southern California, our team led a civic imagination workshop on Bowling Green’s future, enacted a multi-team approach incorporating more than 100 volunteers working across eight pillar community sectors, highlighted core shared community values that the community is invested in tracking and sustaining, and repeatable patterns and models that can track our collective work over time–all in service of creating a 25-year vision and planning process for the county and its core partners.


Metals Innovation Initiative